Friday, September 21, 2007

GOP Finds New Target - The GOP

Apparently the Texas GOP has little tolerance for many of the same things the national GOP has similarly low tolerance for. Their agenda didn't fall into line with Representative Kirk England's (Grand Prairie) and he decided this past Thursday to jump ship and switch the (R) in front of his name with a (D). England Switches Parties.

What, you might ask, are the values England espouses that have left him out of step with the state GOP? Healthcare for children, better schools and fiscally responsible practices. This isn't exactly a unique Republican priority (or lack thereof) as evidenced by the recent battle over the SCHIP program in the US House.

Perhaps the representative's motives weren't all on principle as he was facing a tough battle to win the GOP's nomination next election, but it's certainly a boost for Texas Democrats hoping to take control of the house.

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